Jul 19, 2013

1st Anniversary of Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation

1st Anniversary of Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation and it's total off the hook. With all the stuff and stuff.
Prepare for a warzone! The Promos storm ahead

This week marks the 1st anniversary of the game "Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation." And the promo for the anniversary is total fangasm.
Stop fighting and let's listen to these anniversary promos!
1st thing when you log in is get +5 Free "Energy Sorties" and +50000P Which can definitely buy stuff. After which, those low levels players who's struggling with fighting people. Here's your chance for some easy High-level MS.
Here's all the level of FANGASM
After a battle(either win or lose) you easily unlock the RX-78-2 Gundam and the MS-14S Gelgoog Commander Type. Which both MS are high-level and can withstand a whole lot of punishment... Just as long as you know how to control it. After the easy unlock... The previous promos are up!
So many targets, so little time.
All those previous Event MS to unlock... I just hope 07/18/2013-07/31/2013 is enough for many.
Ugh... Those MS...
So what are you waiting for... Hurry up, log-in and play Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation and celebrate... Get Easy MS, kill MS and have fun.
I'm guessing Buy the kit... Get the MS
PS... Coming soon to the game... GP01. Brace Yourselves. As for me...
This blog of the 1st Anniversary of the game is finished and Congratulations!
End of Story... GOODBYE!!!

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