Jan 2, 2012

Figure in Review [D-Arts Izanagi]

PERSONA!!! Time to enter the TV World and face your true self. The Protagonist's/Yu Narukami's Main Persona Izanagi.


Figure Specs:
Manufacturer: Bandai
Series: Persona 4
Scale: 160mm
Price:  ¥3800
A preview is in order and today I shall do a preview of the D-Arts Izanagi from the PS2 game Persona 4.

The Figure in it's box

Izanagi in Japanese is a deity born of the seven divine generations in Japanese Mythology. In the game Persona 4, which began showing an anime version of it is the main Persona of the Protagonist/Yu Narukami.

The fun part of this figure is that I got this figure in Osaka, during our Japan trip last December 30, 2011... And this year, Imma gonna begin this year with this review. Now let's see what Izanagi has.
The items within the D-Arts Izanagi

Izanagi has of course the figure and the "bandana". A stand with the notable Wild Card thing... two pairs of other hands... One pair to grip/grab something and a semi-closed hands. Two blue flame effects, the 1st is the circular flame which is somewhat used the 1st time Izanagi is summoned and a flaming blade slash effect. And most notable is his blade.

Instruction Manual

Here are some pics of Izanagi which shows most of it's details.

Now time for some action pics.


Size Comparison...

Definitely getting tired on stuff and getting sleepy now... So, finishing this review. One thing is for sure, this figure is worth every penny for those Persona fans. I'd rate this a 8.5 or 9/10 with some flaws which aren't noticeable. Ending is quite decent and this definitely signals the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012... Happy New Year!

And Further More...

1 comment:

  1. Love the action pictures. They look very nice.

    Add a few more lights maybe (use the night/lamp shade in your room) so that all the shots will be clear and bright. :)
